We are pleased to announce the publication of Theatre Annual 75 (2022).
The performances, theatre, and drama considered in this volume highlight major historical political eras in the United States. However, each analysis immediately betrays any sense implicit in the volume’s chronological arrangement that these social, political, and ideological battles have been settled. Instead, the scholarship presents the currency of these historical struggles and a clear view of performance’s active role in delimiting the beneficiaries of US democracy, as well as the insidiousness of benevolent representations of white supremacy in performance.
David Carlyon: “Fighting Over Democracy: The 1790s Circus Battle”
Heidi L. Nees: “Re-Righting Cherokee History in Mary Kathryn Nagle’s Sovereignty”
Teresa Simone: “The Old South Lives Again”
Christine Woodworth: “How the Vote was ONE: Race, Class, Connections, and the Solo Suffrage Campaign of Fola La Follette”
Book Reviews by Wind Dell Woods, Abby Schroering, Sarah Lewis-Cappellari, Javier Luis Hurtado, Kelsey Jacobson, Skye Strauss, Yizhou Huang, Bryan M. Vandevender
Theatre Annual is the oldest theatre periodical continuously published in the United States. It is dedicated to examining theatre and performance of the Americas. We construe “America” broadly to include North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean Islands. Articles may treat work in these geographic areas or work from these areas that is presented elsewhere in the world. We welcome articles on the history and ethnography of performance, drawing from such areas as theatre studies, performance studies, popular culture, music, anthropology, dance, communication, philosophy, folklore, history, and areas of interest that cross disciplinary lines.